MAWQUALITY is the specialist Consultant for the ERDF Funded Liverpool City Region Integrated Business Support Programme for ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems

How Can MAWQUALITY Help Your Business?

Welcome to MAWQUALITY a Management Consultancy company that specialises in getting you ready to be ISO certified by offering consultancy services that include installing a Quality Management System, and also the option of doing it yourself using the software saving £1000’s in Consultancy fees using the easy to follow software.

MAWQUALITY offers consultancy for companies, particularly small businesses and Local Government Services, to achieve ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001. is offered as a software package for companies wanting to do it themselves at a fraction of the cost. This is an excellent opportunity to do it yourself using an easy to follow software package or perhaps a combination of both.

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  • Phone: +44 0151 292 3334

Services At A Glance

Achieve ISO certification thorugh MAWQUALITY consultancy or using our online software -

Consultancy Service

The advantages of using MAWQUALITY consultancy services are:

  • Having someone do the documentation for you.
  • Having access to expertise and experience.
  • Thorough planning with a realistic timeline.
  • Having a consultant who has a sound working relationship with a large reputable certifying organisation accredited by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS).
  • Benefiting from very competitive daily rates of £300.(excluding VAT).

The newly launched self-installing Quality Management System. It’s a fantastic value alternative. The advantages of using created by MAWQUALITY are:

  • Easy to follow and simple to use technology.
  • Having all your documentation for ISO 9001 produced and ready for audit.
  • Simple to understand guidance on maintaining the certificate yourself thereafter.
  • The flexibility to work at your own pace when you can afford the time.
  • Good for any size of company or industry type.
  • Benefiting financially from a special introductory cost of £395. (excluding VAT)

Help Getting ISO Certified

Useful advice and guidence in achieving ISO certification

Free Guide To ISO 9001

The guide gives you a more detailed account of the process that you need to go through to achieve the certification regardless of your chosen method.

View Free Guide

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